MACO 105 C

What can we expect from the STOCK MACO 105 C

An analysis of the antenna using EZNEC PRO4 with NEC 4 NEC5 engines.

In order to keep it fair to all others:

  • We did  not implement losses due to material or matchingsystems

(peak gain should be fraction less if measured in the real world.)

The sizes we used are from the onine manual at MACO : 

(we used the 27,2 MHz sizes)






Above the MACO 105C dimensions implemented in EZNEC.





Above the feespace azimuth plot produced by EZNEC




Above the freespace elevation plot for the MACO 105C


Above the gain / front to back / front to rear response versus frequency.




Above the expected SWR plot, a match was used to obtain 50 Ohms.


An improved direct 50 ohms “Super bowl” version can be found here :

7,75M 10,42dBI 5el Yagi OWA (maco tubing) 





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