MACO 106 C

What can we expect from the STOCK MACO 106 C


An analysis of the antenna using EZNEC PRO4 with NEC 4 NEC5 engines.


In order to keep it fair to all others:

  • We did  not implement losses due to material or matchingsystems

(peak gain should be fraction less if measured in the real world.)


The sizes we used are from the onine manual at MACO :



We used the sizes for 27,025 MHz


The MACO 106 C dimensions  implemented in EZNEC :





Above the freespace azimuth plot for the MACO 106C using stock dimensions.



Above the SWR plot (a matching device is needed to match to 50 Ohms)




The different azimuth plots for various frequencies.



Overall conclusion :

Maco antennas generally are old fashion but “good”.

The dimensions for this antenna havnt been changed in decades.

With modern software it would be fair to say:

 In this case: The entire antenna pattern could be improved !

All you need to do is change the dimensions.

Element diameters etc are equal.

And best of all..that antenna can be direct fed using a split driven element. (50 OHms)

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