What can we expect from the STOCK SIRIO SY-4
An analysis of the antenna using EZNEC PRO4 with NEC 4 NEC5 engines.
In order to keep it fair to all others:
- We did not implement losses due to material or matchingsystems
(peak gain should be fraction less if measured in the real world.)
The sizes we used are from the onine manual at Sirio :
The dimensions in EZNEC :
Above the freespace azimuth plot. 8.1 dBi and a tight front to back !
Above several azimuth plots versus frequency.
Above gain front to back and front to rear versus frequency.
The Fb and FR are the same which gives a nice stable pattern across the frequency range.
Above the SWR plot. (A matching device was used to obtain 50 Ohms)
Conclusion :
Sure, there are “high end” designs which will outperform this yagi on the same boom but overall:
From an electrical point of view:
A solid performer..a good example from a commercial availible yagi !