0,77 M 3el V-Yagi FM

0,77 M 3el V-yagi FM broadcast

When we have the option my Wife and kids like to go on holliday just across the border in Germany. As soon as we cross that border, i always switch the radio to “Hitradio FFN” a German broadcast station.

At my home QTH it would be impossible to hear them on a normal radio. So, instead of flowers, i thought of a better gift ! I made a small yagi, set it horizontal towards one of the clear frequencies of “FFN”. And there it was…a nice solid copy on the trusty JRC NRD 545.

As usual the antenna is direct fed, no need to for impedance matching and I made it a bit wide banded as i wasnt sure which frequency would be the one for optimal reception.


Perhaps it is of use for others:

The antenna is based on a original idea of K6STI and LA Moxon in aspect to the bend radiator.

Roughly you are looking at 6.5 to 7 dBI and a nice front to back over a wide frequency range, with no matching needed (1;1 balun optional)

All tubes are 16mm in diameter.


Reflector – Center Radiator = 40 CM

Reflector – Tip Radiator = 23,5 CM

Reflector – Director = 77 CM

Length :

Reflector : 1,51 M

Radiator : 1,41 M

Director : 1,25 M