For: DXing 11 & 10 Meters
Antenna Type: 8 elements U-Yagi
Bend Reflector (UA9TC/G6XN)
Designed by: 19DX348 version 1.01 Nov 2013
Boom length: 16,33 Meter
Gain:12,21 dBI (@27,555 MHz, )
FB <26 dB
FR <20 dB (az)
Impedance: 50 ohms, direct fed
SWR 1:1:1 1300 KHz.
SWR below 2:1 > 2100 KHz
A wide band antenna for DXing on 11 and 10 meters.
The freespace azimuth plot @ 27,555 12,21 dBI gain.
The freespace azimuth plot at 28,0 MHz 12,57dBi
The freespace azimuth plot at 28,4 MHz 12,66 dBi
The freespace elevation plot at 27,555 MHz
The SWR response
Above the Gain / Front to Back and Front to rear response versus frequency.
The elements are are made from 20mm 2 meter long as center part. (2mm wall thickness)
The tips of the elements are 15mm (1mm wall thickness) and make up for the rest of the element length.
Element Distance length
Reflector 0 4,760
Reflector tips 0,446 0
Radiator 0,962 5,340
Director 1 1,700 5,024
Director 2 3,800 4,964
Director 3 6,230 4,930
Director 4 9,800 4,780
Director 5 13,068 4,880
Director 6 16,330 4,520
- The refelctor is bend in an “U” shape. it is 4,760M long and the tips are 0,446M long.
- Yes, director 5 is longer then director 4.
- The antenna is designed using NEC4&NEC5 engines, NEC2 will not be accurate.
The antenna is 50 Ohms, the radiator can be split in half and be fed directly. (a RF Choke or 1:1 balun is always adviced for “all” antennas.)